If you are ready to get more financially organized than you have ever been before, plus ensure none of your assets are lost to the department of unclaimed property, and that your family stays out of court and out of conflict when something happens to you, begin by scheduling a 90-minute private Family Wealth Planning Session. Once you schedule, we will send you everything you need to get prepared so that you can leave this Session with the total confidence of knowing you have made informed, educated and empowered decisions for yourself and the people you love. Simply preparing for the Session itself with the pre-session homework that you will complete and return before the Session will have you feeling confident that none of your hard-earned assets will be lost when something happens to you. And, you'll have the confidence of knowing you are doing the right thing for yourself and the people you love. We suggest that you schedule at least two weeks in the future so you have plenty of time to get your pre-session homework completed and returned to us prior to your Family Wealth Planning Session. By completing and returning the pre-work, you will get the most out of our time together. (If you need a sooner appointment time, please contact our office.) Do plan to spend the full 90 minutes together, and bring your spouse or partner to the Session.
Note: We will be blocking off 90 minutes on our calendar to meet with you, to the exclusion of others. You are committing to return your pre-session homework at least 7 days in advance of your scheduled appointment. If for some reason you cannot keep your appointment and need to reschedule, please contact us at least 7 days in advance.
If you would like to pay nothing for this session, review and check the boxes below. As soon as you submit this form after checking each box, you will be taken to our online scheduler to select the appointment time that works best for you. Thank you!
Next step: Fill out the form below and you'll be taken right away to our online scheduler.